:wave: Hi all, we put together a little screencast...
# general
👋 Hi all, we put together a little screencast about the SST Console. Most of you have probably tried it out but for those that haven’t; it’s a web based dashboard to manage your SST apps. You can view logs, query databases, manage users, test APIs, manage your S3 files, etc. Read more about it here: https://docs.serverless-stack.com/console
Looks awesome. is the Electron download available somewhere?
oooh we don’t have that yet! Would you prefer it as an app?
Oh your walkthrough made me think it was Electron cause I didn’t see browser chrome
Im a safari user through and through - so yes I would prefer electron app if I cant get safari support
Especially if its build with latest version of electron for M1 macs
Ah yeah safari support is pretty close. We just need to test it a bit.
So how you hide the chrome controls?
haha it was more just for the screencasts but @Frank found a way to do it.
On Mac it’s
Copy code
/Applications/Google\ <http://Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\|Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\> Chrome --app=https://...