Hi team, I’m new with Serverless Stack and wonderi...
# help
Hi team, I’m new with Serverless Stack and wondering how I should structure my project. Currently I have an Express API with models, controllers, and services. For the models I’m using Sequelize ORM, these models are used in different services. My question is about how should I reuse my models and services in my functions (controllers)? Should I create functions for every model and call them from my services? Should I create functions for every service and call them from my controllers? I’ll use AWS Lambda functions, NodeJS and MySQL An example, tutorial, blog… will be appreciated Thanks in advance
The Lambdas are your controllers. You should attach them to some routing service (ApiGateway, AppSync, etc.). For the mysql database you need a db service (RDS, Aurora). Maybe you can benefit from the aws database migration service for a smooth transition if you are in production already. IMO you can implement an ORM as classes and use them in the Lambdas.
So the “only” thing I should do is make every controller a function and still importing my services and models (as share libraries) in those functions as I do with Express, right?
Yup that's roughly right. The controllers are the entry points for your routes.