guys, can someone help me here? pleeease <https://...
# help
guys, can someone help me here? pleeease, punycode is not part of my codebase, so probably it is part of sst? or I can't understand from where it is. Locally it works fine, but when I deploy it on aws it doesn't work
Could it be a module imported by another of your modules, requiring native binaries ? See, esbuild will not bundle non-js packages, so you need to add them as externals, so that they are bundled with your lambda. There is an otpion now to specify the externals with sst, you could try to add
to you external list
ooo thanks, I'll try that
It wont be in your package.json, but if you can spot it in the lockfile (or run
npm/yarn ls punycode
) you should see what package imports it
year, I got it, thanks for the right direction, I'll dig
@Artem Kalantai I just checked my lock file based on @Loup Topalian’s recommendation.
seems to depend on
Try removing your node_modules and lock file and do a fresh npm/yarn install.
See if that helps?
I will try, thanks a lot guys
it doesn't help, I'll give it some time on weekend to dig deeper
yeah if you get a chance to create a sample repo with the issue, feel free to send it over and I can take a look
@Frank give me your gitlab username, I'll add you to a project
and one more observation, it is only about cron jobbed lambdas, the rest of lambdas working fine
@Artem Kalantai sorry I missed the msg.. are you still having the issue? My gitlab username is fwang1
i just stopped use cron functions for now, because of the issue, but you can find them in code commented out, so you can uncomment try to run
@Frank I added you as dev to my repo
so, you can try whatever you need
if you can figure out, i will be really apprecite
challenge accepted 🤪
aight i will take a crack at it tonite
have you try to fix? looks like i have the same issue with non cron function, so probably it is not related to cron scheduling, but to some of the main lib, will investigate deeper
Hi @Artem Kalantai I tried out your repo and I was not able to reproduce the issue you saw. That said, I had to comment out a couple resources in your SST code ie. importing user pools which I don’t have in my AWS account of course.
If you are still having the issue, can u maybe create a new repo with minimal code that reproduces the error, and share that with me?
actually i reimplemented in new function and it is works, for now without cron, later when I have time I’ll try again, but it looks like it doesn;t depend on cron or not cron, it is some external lib, not sure which one
but thanks for your time
I’ll let you know when have some updates on it
sounds good 👍