Example, cron run every one minute, this cron get ...
# help
Example, cron run every one minute, this cron get some data from database and send to sqs.
Hi @Paulo Castellano, just to clarify, does the cron trigger a Lambda function and the Lambda function gets the data from db?
Yes, i have a background job to: 1. Cron get data from datatabase every one minute.
2. Send data to queue, que make process and store in database again.
I can run cron, but i don't know how cron send message to queue.
In your CDK code, if you have something like:
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const queue = new sst.Queue(this, "MyQueue");

const cron = new sst.Cron(this, "MyCron", {
  schedule: "rate(1 minute)",
  job: {
    handler: "src/lambda.main",
    environment: {
      QUEUE_URL: queue.sqsQueue.queueUrl
In your Lambda code, you can do something like this to read the data from DynamoDB and write to the queue:
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const data = await dynamodbClient.query(...).promise();

await sqs.sendMessage({
  MessageBody: JSON.stringify(data),
  QueueUrl: process.env.QUEUE_URL
Would this work for u?
@Frank thanks bro!
I think it's works... but i have a 403 code (access denied)\
my aws key permissions:
i need setup any?
My bad, this is not your aws key’s permission. It’s complaining the Lambda doens’t have permission to sendMessage to sqs
try this:
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const queue = new sst.Queue(this, "MyQueue");
const cron = new sst.Cron(this, "MyCron", {
  schedule: "rate(1 minute)",
  job: {
    handler: "src/lambda.main",
    environment: {
      QUEUE_URL: queue.sqsQueue.queueUrl
    permissions: [queue],
so add the
permissions: [queue]
great, thats works @Frank
how i can add a consumer to this job?
i add consumer here?
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job: {
        handler: "src/RunHttp.main",
        environment: {
          QUEUE_URL: queue.sqsQueue.queueUrl
        permissions: [queue],
You can add a consumer to the queue like this:
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const queue = new sst.Queue(this, "MyQueue", {
  consumer: "src/consumerLambda.main",

const cron = new sst.Cron(this, "MyCron", {
  schedule: "rate(1 minute)",
  job: {
    handler: "src/lambda.main",
    environment: {
      QUEUE_URL: queue.sqsQueue.queueUrl
    permissions: [queue],
Great, works 🙂
Very thanks... in consumer how i can get the data?
how you found this information? Because i not found it on documentation...
Each construct has bite sized examples in their doc
And there are also some full length examples here https://serverless-stack.com/examples/index.html
yeah but this example is only for queue separately of cron...
i think you have large experience with sst / serverless.com and it make the diference ehhe
for consume data for postgres, i can use pgsql from node? you recomend it?
Yeah we need to write more use-case specific examples like this ie. cron > sqs > dynamodb
@Jay we need more higher level examples for use cases involving multiple constructs
if docs are open source, i can make a PR in github to help us.
@Paulo Castellano I don’t have much experience with postgres. It’s probably a better question for the community. I know some folks are using RDS.
Yeah, let's make a list of these common patterns and we can start writing example for them?
I started a discussion about it, https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack/discussions/379. Leave some comments with the ones we want to cover?
Great @Jay i will comment about this my case. cron -> sqs -> database
@Frank to deploy this code in multiples regions is simple?
You can specify the region thru the cli, ie.
sst deploy --region eu-west
Is that what you were asking?
I want to deploy in multiples regions simultaneous.. its possible to pass multi regions in cli?
No currently. You would have to deploy to each region separately.
Is you app running in multiple regions, and do they communicate with each other across region?
hm ok, i think its not a problem because i can create a script to publish in all regions
every region is separated (queue and crons)
i rewriting a uptime monitor becased in multiple regions
if people want monitor by 2 regions i have cron from 2 regions and sqs for 2 regions
not is a problem
ah got it
I guess that’d be easier if you are deploying through a CI/CD, git push and deploy to multiple regions simultaneously. A common pattern I see ppl do on Seed.
yeah, i use gitlab ci
but this is a second step, now i just validating if all works hehe
i need only do postgres works
only this is missing for my validation to be complete