Hey all! I had a quick question that's been asked...
# help
Hey all! I had a quick question that's been asked a couple of times but seems to not have been answered yet. I got stuck trying to deploy my serverless APIs running 
serverless deploy -v
 -- it returned the following error:
Invalid variable reference syntax for variable AWS::Region. You can only reference env vars, options, & files. You can check our docs for more info.
It seems that the variables in resources/cognito-policy.yml are not being passed properly. Anything I should do to fix it?
It sounds like a parsing error? I would just compare your code to the sample repo from the guide https://github.com/AnomalyInnovations/serverless-stack-demo-api
@Jay I copy and pasted from that github. It seems like a few people were having the exact same issue with the guide (discourse link at bottom) but no answers. https://discourse.serverless-stack.com/t/deploy-your-serverless-infrastructure/167/45
@Jay Unfortunately not. Weird error. I've been copying the exact code. Not sure why we're all having this error haha
Yeah I haven’t run into that before. I wonder if it has to do with a recent version of Serverless Framework.