I might accidentally removed some component that S...
# help
I might accidentally removed some component that SST replies on, like a VPC or ec2. How do I recreate this? 🤣
Hey @Albert Gao, this section briefly talks about what’s in the debug stack. You can also tag the resources in the debug stack.
You can try recovering like this: • removing the debug stack from your CloudFormation console. It has the stack name
• remove the
folder in your SST app • run
sst start
again, and the debug stack will get deployed again
Let me know if that works for you.
Thanks! tried all of that. I do see a lot of updates, and the stack is deployed right,but still no request coming through
what am i missing here?
Can you stop
sst start
-> remove your
folder again -> run
sst start
-> make a request.
And then, can you DM me your
and also dump all the log in the latest log stream in the log group (you might need to wait for a minute for the log to come in)
Hey @Albert Gao, had a look at ur
, no requests are being sent to your local.
Looking at the CloudWatch logs screenshot you shared above, it seems your Lambda functions are getting timedout when trying to send the requests to your local terminal via websocket.
Can you dump out ur CloudWatch logs for the log group in the screenshot above? Just dumpping 1 log stream is fine. And DM me that.
Thanks! But sadly I nuked all the resources. But your words helped me!
it seems your Lambda functions are getting timedout when trying to send the requests to your local terminal via websocket.
So I looked through, turns out the previous setup is wrong, so my lambda connect grab secrects from secret manager, now it can, but it can not connect to the Aurora Serverless, wondering if it is because I need give it another IAM role, or not, but it is a different question now