I'm pretty confused here. When I run `npx sst star...
# help
I'm pretty confused here. When I run
npx sst start
and test a POST request with Postman, it works. When I stop running that, and test the POST request to the same URL, with the sst app deployed via
npx sst start
, I immediately get
500 Internal Server Error
, and no log appearing for the Lambda function in CloudWatch. I am certain that I'm sending the request to the correct URL. Any ideas of what I could be doing wrong? tl;dr: I'm getting
500 Internal Server Error
on all my functions and not sure why, and struggling to debug.
Some more context: • The deployed app has worked before with no problems • I've checked to make sure it's deployed in Lambda -> Applications, and it is
Think I will try deploy it as a new stack and see what happens
Hi @Louis Barclay , after u stop sst start, you’d need to run sst deploy to deploy the real app.
Yup, I did that
The app has historically been deployed
It currently is deployed but still giving the 500. Can't figure out why
Hmm… just a sanity check.. can you try running sst deploy again?
I'm currently running it, having changed the stack name so it'll generate a new app and endpoint (I think)
I will see if that fixes it
Yup, seems to work now
Really weird
Just to clarify, after you stop sst start, the API won’t work until you run sst deploy again.
Ah OK. Every single time?
So basically if I have my live app that's in production using the same endpoint, I am in trouble if I ever test the API locally and then forget to run npx sst deploy?
I think I misunderstand the best practice here
Presumably I should then have a separate endpoint that is my production API
Yeah, you shouldn’t run sst start in production stages.
Aha OK. So what's best practice once I've 1) deployed for the first time? 2) Need to make a change?
You should always work in a development stage (ie. dev stage). And when you want to deploy to production you run “sst deploy -- stage prod”
OK cool!
Thanks a lot for the help Frank! Insanely appreciated as always