Hello. I follow documentation for adding lambda au...
# help
Hello. I follow documentation for adding lambda authorizer for specific routes.
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const api = new sst.Api(this, "Api", {
    // defaultAuthorizationType: ApiAuthorizationType.CUSTOM,
    defaultAuthorizer: new HttpLambdaAuthorizer({
        authorizerName: "LambdaAuthorizer",
        handler: new sst.Function(this, "Authorizer", {
            handler: "src/authorizer.handler"
    routes: {
        "GET /private": {
            authorizationType: ApiAuthorizationType.CUSTOM,
            handler: "src/private.handler"
        "GET /authenticate/facebook": "src/auth-facebook.handler"
[8:27 AM] I checked 0.40.1 and latest 0.40.2 -> in both cases produced Cloudformation template contains
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[8:27 AM] AuthorizationType: NONE
[8:28 AM] I can set defaultAuthorizationType to CUSTOM, however this apply for all routes and can’t be overwritten with authorizationType for specific routes
to override, this is the format:
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'GET /embeds/{embedId}': {
    function: 'get-embed.main',
    authorizationType: sst.ApiAuthorizationType.NONE,
this didn't work for me
do you have defaultAuthorizationType. set to ApiAuthorizationType.CUSTOM ?
no, my default is set to JWT. but the same concept applies.. doesn’t matter what the authorization type is.
I have:
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const api = new sst.Api(this, 'RestAPI', {
      defaultAuthorizationType: sst.ApiAuthorizationType.JWT,
      defaultAuthorizer: new HttpUserPoolAuthorizer({
        userPool: props.cognitoAuth.cognitoUserPool!,
        userPoolClient: props.cognitoAuth.cognitoUserPoolClient!,
so all my API routes require JWT auth. but I can override with
in specific routes
hmm, must miss something else, I deploy following test stack:
and in result
/facebook route should have authorization NONE
oh.. if you changed the authorization, that won’t work. you have to comment out the route, deploy, then add the route back in, and deploy
it’s a limitation in CloudFormation
I deleted the stack and deployed in two separate regions, same issue. I think I have to create fresh project to test it in isolation from my other stacks…
@Slawomir Stec This is invalid:
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"GET /private": {
            authorizationType: ApiAuthorizationType.CUSTOM,
            handler: "src/private.handler"
This is valid
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"GET /private": {
            authorizationType: ApiAuthorizationType.CUSTOM,
            function: "src/private.handler"
This is also valid
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"GET /private": {
            authorizationType: ApiAuthorizationType.CUSTOM,
            function: {
              handler: "src/private.handler"
@Frank yes, it works now, thank you
Yeah, we will be adding some input validation, and that should catch invalid input format (cc @thdxr)
Oh wow, this proper caught me out. Even looking at @Frank's code above it took me a while to make the distinction between
. I need to do some more reading on the difference here.