anyone know what this error means? it’s a first-ti...
# help
anyone know what this error means? it’s a first-time deploy:
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prod-microservices-api | CREATE_FAILED | AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi | AppSyncApiEBDAEC17 Failed to assume service-linked role arn:aws:iam::xx:role/aws-service-role/, please retry. (Service: AWSAppSync; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: ba7b1b89-9add-4d89-bbbb-0def2024ff5b; Proxy: null)
I’m in an account with admin access
I think this is the same issue I had before when my dev tried to deploy in a fresh account. @Frank this time I captured a debug log
Hey @Sam Hulick, AWS IAM has been unstable the past couple of days
Is it working for you now?
oh, I didn’t realize that. I have no idea.. haven’t set up a fresh deployment since then
Yup, let me know if u run into it again.
will do. thanks!
I didn’t spot anything weird in ur log, except for not able to assume the IAM role. So it’s likely related to the service interruption.
things have been pretty smooth the past day or so. the only thing haunting me at this point is the 2 - 2.5 minute pauses when working in live dev mode
Yup.. I’m going to take a look at the GH issue. Do you consistently get the 2 minute hang every time you add a route?
yeah, ~2 minutes
happening when I deploy code to production too. just a big long polling loop saying the update was complete, and the process not moving onto the next stack
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[2021-08-26T16:49:54.655] [DEBUG] core - deploy stack: poll stack status: unknown
[2021-08-26T16:49:57.846] [DEBUG] core - deploy stack: poll stack status: {
  StackStatus: 'UPDATE_COMPLETE',
  LastUpdatedTime: 2021-08-26T20:13:32.975Z
[2021-08-26T16:49:57.847] [DEBUG] core - deploy stack: poll stack status: unknown
[2021-08-26T16:50:01.059] [DEBUG] core - deploy stack: poll stack status: {
  StackStatus: 'UPDATE_COMPLETE',
  LastUpdatedTime: 2021-08-26T20:13:32.975Z
[2021-08-26T16:50:01.059] [DEBUG] core - deploy stack: poll stack status: unknown
[2021-08-26T16:50:04.540] [DEBUG] core - deploy stack: poll stack status: {
  StackStatus: 'UPDATE_COMPLETE',
  LastUpdatedTime: 2021-08-26T20:13:32.975Z
and CloudFormation is all green.. nothing happening on that end, so it seems like a CLI-side issue
wow.. this time I think it’s exceeding 4 minutes 😞
gonna kill & restart the deploy
Looking into it now
so this was a
yarn deploy api --stage prod
BTW.. not even deploying the Core stack, or deploy all
I’ll deploy all stacks and see if that makes a difference
I see
nope, still slow for full deploy. I’m trying to find a pattern. I changed a function that most API routes depend on. next, I’ll try just changing the code for one function and compare
Figured it out.
oh yeah??
So instead of directly deploying a CFN template, CDK always takes the template and generates a CFN changeset against the stack, and then execute the changeset.
And CFN is taking 2-4min to generate the changeset, most likely b/c you have a large stack.
so everyone using CDK with large applications is having this issue?
well, shoot
(cc’ing @thdxr to keep him in the loop)
let's rewrite SST with pulumi
Let me take a look at CDK’s code. I think we can bypass CDK’s deploy command, and submit the templates to CFN directly.
What do u guys think?
sounds good, if that’s feasible and still works. one of the CDK authors made it sound like they use changesets for a specific reason.. not sure what
yeah that would be cool if there's no tradeoff, didn't know we could do that
the funny thing is, I look at the changeset JSON changes in CFN, and it’s hardly anything. like, why does it take so long?
(this is where Dax busts out the CloudFormation meme…) 😄