Just curious - are there any plans for a React Nat...
# help
Just curious - are there any plans for a React Native SS tutorial in the future?
Not yet but I’ll make a note of it!
I feel awkward with these feature request, since you guys have worked really hard on this already. What about a mini-guide for migrating your built SS App from one AWS account to another? I realize this should be easy with SS - but I'm having trouble. I'm spending today migrating one SS project, and having trouble - getting some cryptic whitelisting errors for my APIs. A mini-guide for migrating a completed project (S3 bucket, identity pools, SS stuff, etc.) would be appreciated. I'll take notes today and see if I can give you the bare bones for it.
Hmm what are the issues you are running into? Are you just trying to deploy an SST app to another account?
Yes, just trying to move it to another account/IAM. I tried running the deploy scripts in the new account, then manually created the S3 and cognito stuff, and deployed the API. Kept running into
issues, even after manually whitelisting the API and S3 bucket. I spent Sat & Sun troubleshooting that header stuff without success. Spent this afternoon building out a new SS from scratch, and will be transplanting my own app code in tonight/tomorrow. I like your new SS - looks much more transferable, with less GUI steps. I also put a PR in for the bug I found a week or two ago in
OK, updated the old stuff and fixed some other bugs from this time through. Thanks again for putting this together! https://github.com/AnomalyInnovations/serverless-stack-com/pull/577/files
Yeah moving it over using the AWS console can be very painful. But if you are just deploying an SST app to separate account, it’s pretty straightforward.
With the old tutorial there were some console steps. I tried the transfer without them and it failed. I’ll let you know how this migration goes tomorrow