What I need to do: Update a column in on one entit...
# help
What I need to do: Update a column in on one entity based on another entities column value when adding or updating the second entity Entity one is an account record with a balance The new or updated entity is a transaction record against that account I want to update the balance on the account record based on the value of the new transaction, or an update on the value of the transaction I saw TransactWriteItems as a possible solution, but this appears to update records with the same key values? So my question is, should I be doing this via consecutive calls in the front end, ie add or update the transaction, and on “success” make a second call to update the account balance, or is there something available to update both records in a single call?
I should add: This is a dynamoDb table. Partition and Sort keys are PK and SK. Record being added/updated: PK: ACCT#{accountId} SK: TRANS#{transactionId} Account record to be updated based on above: PK: USER#{userId} SK: ACCT#{accountId}
Im not looking for the whole solution, but in a nudge in the right direction of how I should be approaching this. Thank you!
You could make just make two update calls from the backend lambda
So on doing that, If the first call succeeds, and the second fails, add a rollback type call in a catch to revert the first put/update?
Either way, I will hash that out. Thank you. That seems the sensible approach
Potentially, if you truly need a transaction you could use TransactWriteItems (I've not familiar with it myself but is intended for your use case) There's an example here
Nice. I was looking at that feature, but did not see an example like the one you posted. That is exactly what I need, since it will automatically handle a fail all case. I will keep digging into that. Thank you, so much
Excellent, you're welcome
Hazzah! it worked In case anyone is wondering: You need to add the function to the util