Hello there. I suppose most of you use more than ...
# help
Hello there. I suppose most of you use more than a single AWS profile, and engage with cli tools that require one of the profiles. I would like to know how you manage to specify the AWS profile each time, because for me it sometimes requires an extra attention. I am using iTerm2 as the terminal app, and I use Visual Studio Code’s integrated terminal as well. The point I’m trying to make is that I dont keep working on the same terminal window (or better to say session) so that loading the profile as an environment variable just once is enough, but I have to do that every time I load a profile. How do you manage it?
With SST I'll set AWS_PROFILE to the correct profile within the env of the debug process. Same deal for npm scripts but you could do the same by having a shell/batch script for each env that's sets the right profile env var
By the way there is this oh-my-zsh plugin that might be helpful for managing AWS profiles. https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/blob/master/plugins/aws/aws.plugin.zsh
Ah, neat, I'll have a look