hey team, saw something funky on a deploy from scr...
# help
hey team, saw something funky on a deploy from scratch:
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❌  dev-microservices-api-files failed: Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: A conflicting operation is currently in progress against this resource. Please try again. (RequestId: 9ec1b767-603f-4e10-adda-68185e6353aa)
any idea why this would happen?
I’m re-running
yarn start
and I assume it’ll just deploy the
stack with no issues
seems like some sort of weird race condition?
Hey Sam, can u look share which custom resource got this error/
it seems like it’s the stack itself:
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dev-microservices-api-files | CREATE_FAILED | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | dev-microservices-api-files
there’s no other resource error
anyway, running
yarn start
again worked fine
it finished deploying
It’s an AWS internal error, I have seen it before when adding CloudWatch log subscription. Usually works when I retry.
yeah.. I figured it was something buggy with CDK maybe. all is well!
Yeah, more like a race condition with the underlying AWS service (CloudWatch for my case)