Anyone else experience 1.5-2s server response tim...
# help
Anyone else experience 1.5-2s server response times with simply the default example code for
? @Frank @thdxr Is this normal? I up’d the memory to 4096 and still averaging 1.5-2s This is just for a hello world reply. in comparison an actual Contentful api call takes avg 10ms
Have you tried deploying your app rather than running it locally to see if you have the same response times? Running locally is quite a bit slower but I believe they recently did an update that should help with it.
how do you mean running locally?
sst start
(points at your local code) vs
sst deploy
(builds and deploys your code)
I think you just blew my mind. I didn’t realize anything was running locally with sst start
I knew debug… but I thought that was in the cloud
Yeah I can’t explain exactly what’s happening but its doing some kind of proxy work to forward requests to your local machine, so I believe there’s an extra hop in there.
hmmm… THANKS! hope that was it… trying now
Again I’m pretty sure @thdxr was working on improving the local performance in one of the recent updates. I haven’t taken the time to upgrade yet to see if it’s improved my environment though.
oh I’m perfectly happy with those response times for DEV
but I thought that was prod
oh ya… that was it @Nick Laffey! down to 60-70ms now!
wayyy better but still not 20-30ms
But at least its not 5 seconds 🙂
thanks again
Also I could be way off about things running “locally” it’s all magic to me right now.
Ah here’s where they explain how it’s working:
@Nick Laffey thanks for the clarification!
@Dan Van Brunt with
sst start
deploys a stub version of each Lambda function, and when a function gets invoked, it sends a websocket event to ur local, runs ur local code, and sends the response back to Lambda.
The 1.5-2s you are experience might be the network latency for the websocket roundtrip + spawning a node process locally to run your code.
The latter is often the slower part, and @thdxr made a fairly major improvement in the recent v0.47.0 update.
@Frank indeed that is what it was! So pumped that it was just dev. I was thinking I was talking crazy pills.