Hi all. Loving SST so far, but had a question aro...
# help
Hi all. Loving SST so far, but had a question around running
sst start
after previously having deployed while using the React Site construct. I’ve noticed that every time
sst start
is run it clears out the deployed site whereas I expected it to spin up a separate debug stage and stack and leave the deployed stack intact. Is this intentional? Is there a way to maintain the deployed stack while also debugging - perhaps through stages? Thanks for the help!
Hey Patrick - yeah this is something we need to do some work around. Typically people aren't deploying and live debugging the same stage but we do have an undocumented
disablePlaceholder: true
option in the StaticSite props
Right now this will build your site locally and deploy it so it's not really that great of an option
Would it just be smart to specify a different stage then?
My deployments were really only for testing anyway
Hey @Patrick Gold
Would it just be smart to specify a different stage then?
You can run
sst start
which will use ur default stage (you can find that in
). And you deploy to a different stage ie.
sst deploy --stage staging
sst deploy --stage prod
. Is this what you mean?
yes exactly. I was incorrectly assuming that
sst start
would just use an internal stage for its own thing and that deploy would use the default stage. Makes sense now though.