These lambda log retentions are going to be the de...
# help
These lambda log retentions are going to be the death of me, they cause a lot of issues when trying to deploy. Normally I get some conflict issue but now I am getting rate exceeded errors too. Anyone have any solutions for these?
currently always getting rate exceeded errors so its impossible to deploy because it always rolls back
to 100 just to test it out and see if it works.
Default is 3.
Let me know and we can set the default to something larger.
Ok will try that out - is there a reason all the log retention things are even created? I feel like when I used serverless framework it did not create all of these resources or maybe they do just have the higher default so I never noticed any errors.
Looks like that just fixes the rate exceeded error now its just getting a conflict operation error.
Ok seems the custom log retention is just poorly implemented. I switched over to manually creating log groups using @aws-cdk/aws-logs and it deployed with 0 problems.
For anyone else having this issue I just add this to the end of my stacks:
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this.getAllFunctions().forEach(func => {
	new logs.LogGroup(this, `${}-LogGroup`, {
		logGroupName: `/aws/lambda/${func.functionName}`,
		retention: logs.RetentionDays.THREE_MONTHS,
		removalPolicy: scope.defaultRemovalPolicy
Thanks for sharing, this is very important. Otherwise no log group ever expires. We have tons of log groups that have been there for years
Though I don’t understand what you mean by rate exceeding in the case of log retention
I was using the AWS default "logRetention" setting on functions before and instead of creating just a log group like I do in my example it creates some custom log retention resource that was exceeding aws rate limits & causing some weird conflict errors on that stack.
@Garret Harp, can u still grab a screenshot of the conflict operation error you were getting?
Yeah I can. Once I got to maybe ~30 lambda functions every single deploy would error out with conflict or rate exceeded (though setting the retry count to 100 always fixed rate exceeded but never fixed conflicts) The message:
Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: A conflicting operation is currently in progress against this resource. Please try again. (RequestId: 27daaaf0-f4b5-472d-8cae-643d3664f740)
Thanks @Garret Harp. I opened an issue here with two possible solutions, one suggested by you, and the other one being figuring out what’s causing the
conflicting operation
error and rewrite the custom resource ourselves.
@Garret Harp Hey, I also did what you suggested however, there is no connection between the created loggroup and the function. It creates an additional loggroup for the function as well
I might be doing something wrong:
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import * as sst from '@serverless-stack/resources'
import logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs'

export class MainStack extends sst.Stack {
      constructor(scope: <http://sst.App|sst.App>, id: string, props?: sst.StackProps) {
            super(scope, id, props);

            const api = new sst.Api(this, "Api", {
                  routes: {
                        "POST        /todo": {
                              srcPath: 'src/handlers/apiGateway/todo/',
                              handler: 'post-todo.handler',
                              functionName: 'postTodo',
                              description: 'Creates a new post'

            this.getAllFunctions().forEach(func => {
                  const { stage, name } = scope
                  const logGroupNamePrefix = `${stage}-${name}-${id}`

                  new logs.LogGroup(this, `${}-LogGroup`, {
                        logGroupName: `/aws/lambda/${logGroupNamePrefix}/${func.functionName}`,
                        retention: logs.RetentionDays.ONE_MONTH,
                        removalPolicy: scope.defaultRemovalPolicy

                  ApiEndpoint: {
                        value: api.url,
                        description: 'The HTTP Endpoint'
And this in return creates two log groups:
And the logs that come from the function are ingested by
, which is the one I’m manually creating has no stream.
As far as I know its not possible to add a prefix to the log group name it has to be
I see