Anyone ever seen the error message `stack-xyz fail...
# help
Anyone ever seen the error message
stack-xyz failed: Replacement type updates not supported on stack with disable-rollback.
? Seems to only be the case on my debug stack, i.e. if i push it to seed the deploy to dev works fine. Getting it when I do something small like change the name of a lambda function. Can delete and remake the stack but seems like shouldn't be happening
Hey @Noah D, do you still get the error after delete and recreate the debug stack?
Also just confirm the error happens when deploying the debug stack?
Hey Frank, yes I do still get this issue after recreation. The debug stack itself seems to deploy fine (
sst start
sst deploy
), but deploying changes made to any other stack is what it seems to break on. I just tested as well and it breaks when doing the hot reloading of infra (i.e. when promted 'Press ENTER to redeploy infrastructure again') as well as when doing
sst start
after the previous did not work
Hey Noah, do u get this error ONLY when you rename a resource (ie. lambda function)? Do you get it when you change ie. the function timeout?
I have this error too even after updating to the latest version
Yea I seem to still be experiencing it too, sorry @Frank didn't see your response here. My whole stack is currently pretty cooked, but when I get it into a good state again I will try and see if I can answer your question
This is how I fixed it: 1. Go to cfn console, click rollback 2. npm start --rollback=true
Hey @Noah D @Joe Kendal Fixed the rollback issue in v0.53.3
sst start
by default now.
You can set it to
to override it.