Hi guys, maybe this is not the best place to ask, ...
# help
Hi guys, maybe this is not the best place to ask, but what is the best tool for monitoring lambda functions? speed, errors and so on
We use https://seed.run, which is run by the same guys who build SST and run this Slack org 😄
oooo great, will use for sure, I like sst!
That was our main reason, we were using SST anyway and SEED by it’s definition works great with SST. Think of it like Next.js + Vercel if you have come across those before.
@Dan Greaves Thanks for the support!
@Artem Kalantai while SEED works out of the box. Here are some details on how to use SST with some of the other monitoring services with Lumigo and Thundra catered more towards serverless usecases https://docs.serverless-stack.com/monitoring-your-app-in-prod
@Frank @Dan Greaves thanks a lot for help, I’ll try with seed
@Artem Kalantai we're using Lumigo for quite a while and since it's not the silver bullet for all it's still nice for tracking bottlenecks and understanding overal speed of your app
SST docs changed recently to be ultra easy for you in adding the auto-tracer so it only requires two steps to start getting the logs (adding tag and creating the integration from lumigo's dashboard)