Never saw this SST error before… `Error: Cannot fi...
# help
Never saw this SST error before…
Error: Cannot find a "tsconfig.json" in the function's srcPath
Weird hm
one odd thing is that there seems to be TWO
folders being created…
FYI, I made this change to
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  "compilerOptions": {
    "typeRoots": ["./src/_types", "./node_modules/@types"],
  "extends": "@tsconfig/node14",
  "include": ["stacks", "src"],
Want to see anything else @thdxr? I also removed the eslint config from the package.json in favor of
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module.exports = {
  root: true,
  extends: [
  parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
  parserOptions: {
    ecmaVersion: 2019,
    sourceType: 'module',
    tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
    project: './tsconfig.json',
    files: '*.ts'
  rules: {
    '@typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises': ['error'],
    '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': ['warn', { 'argsIgnorePattern': '^_' }]
hmmmmm I wonder if that
tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
is the issue? thought I had this working before though.
so narrowed down that the
code was doing it…. where as I also have two other
s that are working/building fine
I actually just rewrote all of this so I don't think this situation can happen anymore
just widdled down the above to this and it works.
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const api = new sst.Api(this, 'Api', {
      routes: {
        'GET /githubwebhook': 'src/githubwebhook.handler',
but this fails…
So the issue is "srcPath" is basically signifying what is your "project root"
sets that to your project root and all builds happen relative from there (which is why you get another .build) folder
I in the next version it's fixed so you don't get another build folder and also you don't necessarily need another tsconfig in your srcPath
but you probably should place one there
hmmm but why would these be any different….
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new sst.Api(this, 'Api', {
  routes: {
    'GET /githubwebhook': `src/githubwebhook.handler`

new sst.Api(this, 'Api', {
  routes: {
    'GET /githubwebhook': {
      function: {
        srcPath: 'src/',
        handler: 'githubwebhook.handler',
should I just be doing this?
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new sst.Api(this, 'Api', {
  routes: {
    'GET /githubwebhook': {
      function: {
        handler: 'src/githubwebhook.handler',
ya that worked.
srcPath is what makes it different, it shouldn't be used if you just want a prefix on the handler path
we probably need a better name for it
projectRoot or something
kk…. my bad. sorry bout that
np I went through the exact same thing as you initially
just for your information I had the same issue... now that I fully read the documentation I understand the thing is that an example set me on a wrong path... for sure better naming would help