I need help I can't find any information in the ss...
# help
I need help I can't find any information in the sst documentation. I want to run the sst application but I have no buckets available, when I use serverless framework I can specify in which bucket to deploy my application I want to know how to do that from my sst application, I want all my stack to be deployed in a specific bucket.
Hey @Danny Rivadeneira, SST apps are not actually deployed into a bucket,. Are you getting this on
sst start
If the sst aps are not really deployed in a bucket they create several buckets when I do
sst start
and I reach the limit of buckets, I want to reuse a bucket created or something like that.
Ah got it. Yeah
sst start
deploys an S3 bucket as part of the debug stack.
You are right, we should let ppl re-use the same S3 bucket. Let me open an issue for it https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack/issues/1141
@Danny Rivadeneira is this blocking you right now?
Hey @Danny Rivadeneira, re-using the same S3 bucket for debugging can now be done in v0.65.6:
Copy code
export function debugApp(app) {
  new DebugStack(app, "debug-stack", {
    payloadBucketArn: "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket",
Let me know if that works for you.
nice thank you so much