Earlier I was asking about DynamoDB and adding a G...
# help
Earlier I was asking about DynamoDB and adding a GSI. With single table design, should there just generally be a handful of GSI’s and I may as well make them when I create the table if they have generic names like
and so on?
You don't want to add more than you need, better add them over time
Depending on your projectionType adding 1 gsi basically means duplicating the amount of storage you use
A gsi is almost the same as a new table managed by aws
fair enough. It just seemed kinda goofy to do this migration when I could have just made a handful to start with.
it’s important to learn this step anyway so I’m glad I’m doing it. And the table is small so no big deal
I add a few more gsi's than I use at the start since you can only add 1 index per deploy... and it wont use any extra data unless you actually store items with those gsi's. See screenshot:
Ah yeah Garret fair enough if you don't populate them with data it is practically the same