How do you guys go about granting access to encryp...
# help
How do you guys go about granting access to encrypted parameters in Systems Manager - Parameter Store? We currently store the path to the parameter in an env var and then do:
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const kmsKey = Key.fromKeyArn(this, 'kmsKey', process.env.KMS_KEY_ARN);
const someParam = ssm.StringParameter.fromSecureStringParameterAttributes(this, 'theParam', {
  parameterName: process.env.THE_PARAM_PATH,
  encryptionKey: kmsKey,
  version: parseInt(process.env.THE_PARAM_VERSION),
// define some functions
(In actual fact, rather than storing the version in a separate env var, we store it like /some/path/to/param:2 and split it around the colon.) However, the problem with this is that the developer needs to update the env vars each time the parameter is changed to reflect the new parameter version which is a manual step that can (and does) get forgotten. The version is mandatory and you can't specify a wildcard. Is there a slicker way of doing this?
Hey @Ross Coundon, hmm.. doesn’t seem to be supported by CDK at the moment. Fetching using a custom resources seems to be the suggested work from this thread
Thanks Frank, I'll dig into that
Reading that thread, ppl seems to suggest that version is not required by CFN, but only required in CDK
I wonder if u can override the CloudFormation value in CDK
If u want to give that a try, u can run
sst build
, inspect the CFN template in
, look for something like
And then in ur CDK code, see if u can override that to just
How would I go about overriding?
If u share a snippet of ur CFN that’s using
, I can share more detail. But he general concept is if u get a hold of the construct, u can do this:
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const cfnResource = constructX.node.defaultChild as core.CfnResource;

cfnResource.addOverride("Properties.xxxx.xxxx", "{{resolve:ssm-secure:ParamName:}}")
I see, nice, I'll have a play
yup yup, just do a quick
sst build
run first and see if it is using
And here’s the CFN doc that seems to say version is not required for
Cool - wonder why they've added it, maybe I'll ask in the cdk group
Support for optional versions is on the way