Hello folks! Looking at the documentation I think...
# help
Hello folks! Looking at the documentation I think I should be able to turn off eslint bundling via FunctionBundleNodejsProps.bundle but I'm having some troubles to make it work as I keep having errors from it. Then I looked at the sst source and the option seems to be ignored altogether? - https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack/blob/master/packages/core/src/runtime/handler/node.ts#L106 - https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack/blob/master/packages/core/src/stacks/build.ts#L22 Is that right or did I misunderstood how it is supposed to work? For context here our team had one million problems because esbuild breaking the output when bundling dependencies so we're looking for a way out. Alternatively we're thinking about packaging as a docker image, but from what I understand we would need to handle all of it ourselves. Is there any ETA for supporting docker? Thanks!
Ah we may have lost the ability to disable bundling in the big refactor we did. Curious why you're looking to disable bundling?
long story short, we're using nest and typeorm that do a lot of dynamic requires for discovering modules, entities, etc and that breaks more often than not with esbuild bundling We also had some problems with the differences sst does for dev and prod regarding externalModules which I know you were working on to simplify Basically trying to add predictability to the whole setup
Got it, dev and prod both behave the same now with regard to modules
I'll bring back disabling the bundle option
that would be great, thanks 🙇
Leaving a note here that this has been fixed in 0.57.4