just did a deploy and the cli tells me it works. I...
# help
just did a deploy and the cli tells me it works. It outputs my ReactSite customDomain
SiteUrl: <https://daniel.app.xxx.io|https://daniel.app.xxx.io>
. When I try to open this url, I get
Copy code
This site can't be reachedCheck if there is a typo in <http://daniel.app.xxx.io|daniel.app.xxx.io>.
In my DNS in AWS I have
Copy code
<http://daniel.app.xxy.io|daniel.app.xxy.io><http://daniel.app.xxy.io|daniel.app.xxy.io><http://daniel.app.xxy.io|daniel.app.xxy.io>	A	Simple	-	<http://d3u001tpxxxxxx.cloudfront.net|d3u001tpxxxxxx.cloudfront.net>.
When I try
I get my website. How can I investigate such problems with SST? Is there some documentation or some hints because right now I don’t even know where to start. As a side note, I have a StaticSite on my project and this one works in another subdomain, same for the API
Hey @Daniel Gato, the DNS record seems weird. Can I see how you are defining the ReactSite in SST?
Just tested again and it seems it was propagation. The DNS is a bad copy paste up there.
Oh I see. The domain is working now?
Yes, I guess propagation took longer (about 1h)
It was almost instant earlier deploys. I did deploy a new fresh stage, this could be it.