Hello all! I'm pretty new at this serverless stuf...
# help
Hello all! I'm pretty new at this serverless stuff and I do see this as the way of the future. DynamoDB is a bit of a challenge for me given that it's very different than my relational background. My application is in need of what would be normally a lookup table with just under 200 rows. The data is pretty static, meaning it's very unlikely to change. Is this something that would be best practice to setup in a stack - define a DynamoDB table and load it with the static data? Or would it be better to simply create a constant in the code and hard coded values?
Probably not worth keeping in dynamo unless you need to manage the values of the data frequently and want to enable non engineers to do that
Otherwise a JSON file loaded into memory works well
Retrieving it from parameter store is an option. Store it as a JSON value, retrieve and store it outside your handler
That's a cool idea too. Comes down to whether you want to put it in VCS and require a deploy to update it or put it somewhere more runtime
I think the idea of a JSON file makes the most sense. What's VCS? Given how static the data is, doing a deploy to modify it is probably fine given how rarely that's going to happen.
version control system (assuming git in your situation)
I'm pretty sure you could just
import data from "./mydata.json"
in your code and it'll be bundled
Cool! Thanks for the help.