<@U01JVDKASAC> After updating from v0.58.0 straig...
# help
@Frank After updating from v0.58.0 straight to v0.59.4 I had similar issues to @Michael Wolfenden that you said will have a "helping hand included": https://serverless-stack.slack.com/archives/C01JVDJQU2C/p1642148371000200?thread_ts=1642130318.050400&amp;cid=C01JVDJQU2C Follow up in the thread for readability
Mine read: lktest-altera-stack-Altera failed: Error: lktest-altera-stack-Altera: This CDK deployment requires bootstrap stack version '6', found '5'. Please run 'cdk bootstrap'.
Works after manually running
cdk bootstrap
with each of my environments, but no help from SST CLI, that was mentioned in the linked message, did appear
You're probably checking whether any bootstrap stack exists on the account, I'd extend it to a version verification
Other than that my transition to CDK v2 went flawlessly thanks to the docs provided. Great work! 🙏
Ah gotcha. Lemme put in a fix for it!
Submitted a PR. Will merge after tests pass.