Hey all in respect to following best practices her...
# help
Hey all in respect to following best practices here https://serverless-stack.com/chapters/organizing-serverless-projects.html does the react site sit under services?
Our new starter we're working on is going to replace that: https://github.com/serverless-stack/graphql-stack
oh nice
not used much ts before though 😕
high recommend ts even if you don't know it, you don't really have to know it but you'll learn it over time
+1, watched many devs convert, and none has ever regretted it or looked back.
whats the path they take to convert? is there a good learning section people follow?
TS is fully compatible with js, so you can just start a ts project and then write normal js in it and it'll all work
I'm not sure if there's a goto course for explicitly learning it. I was lucky and I started my career in c# and typescript is an extremely close mapping
lol, me too
yeah my background is c#
well then you'll have no trouble!
they are invented by the same guy.
I never learned TS - I just wrote c# syntax in ts files and it mostly all worked
is TS popular enough that we could find developers easily enough though?
My project is quite large and wont be able to do it on my own lol
Yes, at this point I don't often find non-ts developers
and it's kind of zero sum, most ts developers will not want to work on a js only project
TS is a top 10 programming language on its own now.
guess i better start learning then lol
I like TS and work is switching to it. Pretty much the only context I don’t like it in is tutorials and educational resources
I'm just worried because I'm trying to learn SST, figure out my architecture using AWS and then go balls to the wall with my project. I do not want to mess up the foundations using js if ts is what I need. I just don't know what I don't know lol.
You definitely want to use TS - a lot of the benefits of SST go away when you don't use TS
In our new starter guide we're going to be creating a TS project by default
Like replacing the Notes app? or something else?
We're launching a new graphql stack with a much deeper starting setup for those who want to use gql
When do you think the new guide will be ready?
But the Notes project will remain
Yeah there's no reason to delete it but for new users we're probably going to nudge them down this path since it's a more complete experience
Codegen, typing for your environment variables, secret support (and setting them in the console), etc etc
@Kristian Lake we're hoping in a month or so
agh lol
Nice! Exciting. I hate that it’s a learning resource in TS but I’m alone in the woods on that one 🤣. Excited to work through it.
i am going to do this in the meantime
another 30 hours of study pfff
@Devin I put a lot of effort into making all the types inferred so most of the code just looks like normal JS
I agree, it's sometimes hard to understand what code is doing when there's type code everywhere which you don't care about
IME Kristian you pick up Typescript really quickly if you know JS. It’s a great improvemnt and you learn fast
I agree, it’s sometimes hard…
Totally. I have every confidence that it will be good. I’ll be sure to work through it and try to keep that beginners mindset. Everything else about SST has been great, I don’t see why this would be different.
yeah i loved the SST stuff
I started going though the best practises bits too as its important to me to try and do this right from the start as we expect to expand rapidly
yeah getting it right at the beginning is important, basically been spending the last 1-2 years researching on the right setup for everything most apps run into
its definitely appreciated! i seen how a monolithic gives a billion dollar company major struggles
even with mega money to throw at an IT team it takes a serious amount of effort and work to move to something different
correct me if im wrong, im only 5 mins into this TS course but is ts like strongly typed js? lol
js + types, otherwise the same
i can see why ts is superior to js now - its going to save us alot of mistakes along the way thanks 🙂
going back to the initial architecture - looking at best practices, I'm going to have a server less infrastructure repo and a server less services repo that's a monorepo. Does the client side react website (of which there might be more than one) live in any of those repos or does it live in its own repo?
Does the client side react website (of which there might be more than one) live in any of those repos or does it live in its own repo?
I just stick it in a subfolder, like I would a lambda, but this subfolder has its own
@Kristian Lake yeah monorepo is a better approach.