I'm trying to get the hello world example working ...
# help
I'm trying to get the hello world example working by running
npx create-serverless-stack@latest --language typescript --use-yarn test
and then just a
yarn start
and getting this error:
Copy code
Using stage: test
Preparing your SST app

 Deploying debug stack

Deploying stacks

 ❌  test-test-debug-stack failed: The test-test-debug-stack stack contains no resources.

Stack test-test-debug-stack
  Status: failed
  Error: The test-test-debug-stack stack contains no resources.

Failed to deploy debug stack test-test-debug-stack
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit <https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run> for documentation about this command.
It seems like the cloud formation stack got created
Are you still having this issue @Baba Yaga?
Yeah I wasn’t able to fix it
Let me pull @Frank and @thdxr in.
Hey @Baba Yaga, hmm.. this seems weird. Can you share a link to the repo if it’s public? Or zip up the folder and DM me if that works better.
Leaving a note here. The issue is related to using AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE. Instead, AWS_PROFILE should be used.