I added a StaticSite to my SST Stack today and the...
# help
I added a StaticSite to my SST Stack today and the Cloud Formation seemed to deploy but when I get to the output at the end the output is frozen: Stack mike-local-chartflow-api-stack  Status: deployed  Outputs:   ApiEndpoint: https://xxxxxxxxxxx Stack mike-local-chartflow-site-stack  Status: deployed  VueJSSite: Any ideas of what could be the issue, there is no error message or anything ****** Update - Exited the Deploy and reran and it completed and went to the Live Lambda Dev
Hey @Michael Robellard, when it froze initially, was that the first time you ran
sst start
? And do u remember if it asked you to pick a stage name?
It actually froze during a redeploy (The running instance of
sst start
asked me to press enter to redeploy.
It may not have been frozen, I had a similar issue after a redeploy today but when I made requests to the api, The debug output was coming through, I just never had the normal starting output:
Copy code
 Starting Live Lambda Dev

SST Console: <https://xxxxxxx>
When u starting up
sst start
, this is what’s expected to see
Copy code
 Starting Live Lambda Dev

SST Console: <https://xxxxxxxx>
Debug session started. Listening for requests...
And when you redeploy, you won’t see the
Debug session started. Listening for requests...
sign, u will just see the updated stack outputs, ie.
Copy code
Stack dev-playground-api
  Status: no changes
    ApiEndpoint3BC18617: <https://ew2nbqpmdd.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/>
Is this what you see?
Yes, That's what I am seeing
Gotcha, yeah that’s actually the expected behavior.
Were you expecting to see
Copy code
 Starting Live Lambda Dev
after each redeploy, and that’s what seemed to be sutck?
Yes, I would have expected to see something indicating that it was ready to accept requests