Aloha! Wondering if anyone else is having issues w...
# help
Aloha! Wondering if anyone else is having issues with deploying on Seed with serverless 3.0.1?
Hey @Sean Matthews lemme take a look at your build on Seed.
👍 Where's the best place to carry on the thread @Frank?
@Sean Matthews here is good 👍
I had a look at the build log, it seems the
serverless package
command was getting killed.
Can you try running this command on ur local and see if it works?
Copy code
SLS_DEBUG=* serverless package --stage staging --package sls-package-output
Yar sorry I missed your @ @Frank Checking now
Copy code
Packaging freshbooks--income-importer for stage staging (us-east-1)
AWS Pseudo Parameters
Skipping automatic replacement of regions with account region!

✔ Service packaged (101s)

2 deprecations found: run 'serverless doctor' for more details
@Frank Looks like it went through
(locally I mean)
@Frank Just wanted to follow up here. Any leads? Something we need to fix in our code?
Maybe we should downgrade?
Oh sorry.. I misread ur previous msg and thought it went through on live
Can you try using a larger build machine for the service? I wonder if it’s memory related, as it took 101 seconds to package on ur local.
You can change it in the service settings
Trying now
That may have done the trick! We’re actually deploying
Successfully deployed 🙌
Oh nice!
Hey @Frank, not necessarily a you guys/Seed issue, but trying to get working and to do so I wiped the previous logFilters from the desired log groups (one being Seed’s, one being Epsagon) thinking that Seed’s would re-add and the plugin would add its own during deploy. Would you expect that too, at least that Seed’s would re-apply? Or are those managed separately? The plugin is odd, I’m seeing the cloudformation template in AWS suggesting that it exists, but I’m not seeing the subscription filters.
Hey @Sean Matthews, the reliable way to remove the Seed’s log subscriptions is to turn off the Live Issues feature. You can do that from the app settings.
When It’s turned off, Seed will not try to add log subscripiton filters on deploy.
And if you turn it back on, Seed will then add the filters back.
The plugin is odd, I’m seeing the cloudformation template in AWS suggesting that it exists, but I’m not seeing the subscription filters.
One way this could happen is that if you manually removed the subscription filters added via CloudFormation (ie. via CloudWatch console), CloudFormation doesn’t know they are being removed, and on redeploy, it will not try to add them back.
Ahhh gotcha. Yup, we manually removed. How do I tell CloudFormation to add them back? (asking sheepishly since this is now just purely an AWS question 😅 ) @Frank
sorry for the late followup, yeah if u remove it from ur CloudFormation and then deploy, it will be removed by CFN side, and CFN will remember this.
And then if you were to add it back, CFN will recreate them.