Hi, I define a custom authorizer as: ```const au...
# help
Hi, I define a custom authorizer as:
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const authorizer = new HttpLambdaAuthorizer({
      authorizerName: 'authorizer',
      handler: new Function(this, 'Authorizer', {
        functionName: 'AuthorizerFn',
        srcPath: "src",
        handler: 'authorizer.main',
        tracing: lambda.Tracing.DISABLED,
        timeout: 30,
        permissions: ['ssm'],
      resultsCacheTtl: Duration.seconds(0),
      responseTypes: [HttpLambdaResponseType.SIMPLE],
I then want to apply it to a specific route as follows:
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const api = new Api(this, "Api", {
      // defaultAuthorizationType: ApiAuthorizationType.JWT,
      // defaultAuthorizer: new HttpUserPoolAuthorizer({
      //   userPool,
      //   userPoolClient,
      // }),
      // defaultAuthorizationType: ApiAuthorizationType.CUSTOM,
      defaultAuthorizer: authorizer,
      routes: {
        // some other routes go here
        "GET /v1/tasks/alt": {
          function: getTasksAltFunction,
          authorizationType: ApiAuthorizationType.CUSTOM,
        // some other routes go here
However, when I make a call to
GET /v1/tasks/alt
I get a unauthorized error. Can someone please explain what is going wrong? I used the docs here: https://docs.serverless-stack.com/constructs/Api#adding-lambda-authorization-to-a-specific-route
When I’ve done it I’ve defined a function to perform the authorisation like this:
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const basicAuthHandler = new sst.Function(this, 'basicAuthHandler', {
  handler: 'src/main/handlers/auth/basicAuthHandler.handler',    
Then defined the HttpLambdaAuthorizer like this - with the function being passed as the 2nd parameter
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const basicAuthoriser = new apigAuthorizers.HttpLambdaAuthorizer('basic-authorizer', basicAuthHandler, {
      authorizerName: 'lambdaBasicAuthoriser',
Then on the API like this:
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const api = new sst.Api(this, 'Api', {
      defaultAuthorizer: basicAuthoriser,
      defaultAuthorizationType: sst.ApiAuthorizationType.CUSTOM,
thanks @Ross Coundon, where are you importing the
from? For the bit where you write:
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const basicAuthoriser = new apigAuthorizers.HttpLambdaAuthorizer('basic-authorizer', basicAuthHandler, {
      authorizerName: 'lambdaBasicAuthoriser',
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import * as apigAuthorizers from '@aws-cdk/aws-apigatewayv2-authorizers-alpha';
Ah thank you, I will upgrade my version of CDK to v2 and see if that works
ah yes, there were some changes to how this worked in the later versions of SST and CDK v2 is a requirement
Thanks a lot for the help
No problem