Hi team. I've lost linting and type checking in Ty...
# help
Hi team. I've lost linting and type checking in Typescript since upgrading SST. I've noticed that it happens starting in version 0.54.0. I also started getting the same issue here after upgrading https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack/issues/662
Hey @J. T. Garcia, we moved away from running type checking as part of sst build, and let IDE take care of it.
@thdxr goes into a bit more details in this thread https://serverless-stack.slack.com/archives/C01HQQVC8TH/p1641940787062700
Hey @Frank, that makes sense. Thanks for the reply
Just in case it helps, I did start getting the import issue, #662 above, after updating from v0.53 to v0.54