Is anyone familiar with how <CDK creates stacks in...
# help
Is anyone familiar with how CDK creates stacks in a construct and what that means in CFN land in term of linkage/maintenance? Specifically interested in how one deletes these resources without the CDK CLI. Do you have to delete just the main stack and something deletes the other for you? Or these are actually completely silo’d stack which require you to delete each one independently?
Question Part 2: Is there anyway with CDK to setup a substack that is “cross-region” and would auto-delete when the parent/main stack is deleted?
@Frank just bringing this up.
yeah afaik there isn’t the main/child stack concept. In the same CDK app, you can have stacks from different regions. Each stack is a silo’d stack. You can’t reference a resource from another stack that’s in a different region.