Hey! Does anyone have any tips and tricks for find...
# help
Hey! Does anyone have any tips and tricks for finding out the "deploy hot path" for a set of cloudformation stacks to deploy? Or a dependency graph of CFN stacks? We have 18 stacks and counting and deploys are gradually slowing down so would like to debug.
Can you expand on this a bit?
So we have 18 stacks that have various dependencies between them. On a new PR it takes 10-12 mins to deploy. I have a rough guess of what the critical path to deploy is (e.g. DB is the first stack, API is the last stack), but I'd like to confirm this. Rather than me clicking through the 18 stacks, noting down their dependencies, deploy start times, deploy end times: I was wondering if someone knows of a tool or a tip to easily see this?
Ah on a fresh deploy. I'm not sure if there's an easier way to do this - also not sure if there's a way to speed anything up
In PR envs I consider sharing some resources
I guess the question still remains: how do I find out which resources to share without clicking through 18 stacks? 😄
But yeah, we use Aurora so that's definitely high on the list of things to share.
Might whip together a tool to diagnose this. Was thinking just getting Stack Events and somehow shoving them into a distributed tracing tool where each span is a resource being deployed. At least there are quite a few open source UIs to visualize traces.
that's a pretty cool idea, I've wanted this myself staring at timestamps in logs is hard to figure out