Howdy all, I have the unfortunate requirement of h...
# help
Howdy all, I have the unfortunate requirement of having to define a traditional (non Aurora) Postgres RDS instance, and then have an
interact with it. Does anyone have an example of the CDK magic they performed to do the similar. I'm seeing wildly different examples out in the Internets, and I've come to trust the members of this community to have a much more precise and pragmatic approach to their CDK definitions. I'm only looking to have the RDS instance running for an actual deployment, for local I'm going to defer to a docker PG instance.
Hi, I setup basic RDS instance like that
I use it for fargate services but should be same for lambda
Excellent, I appreciate the share. I'll have a look soon. 🙏
Thanks @Slawomir Stec!
@Sean Matheson and your functions need to be deployed to the same VPC in order to connect to the DB
I find CDK Patterns a useful place to get examples of construct usage
They have a pattern showing how to use RDS Proxy, which includes provisioning an RDS database.