All of a sudden my `AWS_PROFILE=xyx sst start` isn...
# help
All of a sudden my
AWS_PROFILE=xyx sst start
isn't working as expected, and hangs after printing
Copy code
 Starting Live Lambda Dev

SST Console: <>...
the SST console site says
No stacks found for app deploy-controller and stage piers
- I'm not sure where it's getting this stage from as I've not started sst with that stage parameter, any suggestions on what I can do to get past this and be able to test the frontend locally again?
What stage do you expect it to use?
Delete your .sst folder and when it prompts you after sst start put in the stage to expect
Thanks - not sure if it's related to clearing out the .sst but I'm now getting the following when I try to start the frontend locally:
Copy code
sst-env: Cannot find matching SST environment outputs in /Users/pierswilliams/GitHub/deployment-controller/.build/static-site-environment-output-values.json. Ensure the StaticSite points to /Users/pierswilliams/GitHub/deployment-controller/frontend
That file just has a
[ ]
inside of it
@Piers Williams just following up here, are you still having this issue?
Yep, still seeing this issue sadly
@Frank @thdxr let’s take a look at this?
@Piers Williams, after you cleared out the
folder and restart
sst start
, did it still hang after
Copy code
SST Console: <>...
Or did you see
Copy code
SST Console: <>...
Debug session started. Listening for requests...
It's got to
listening for requests...
just fine after clearing out the
folder. Only persisting issue is the
Copy code
sst-env: Cannot find matching SST environment outputs in /Users/pierswilliams/GitHub/deployment-controller/.build/static-site-environment-output-values.json. Ensure the StaticSite points to /Users/pierswilliams/GitHub/deployment-controller/frontend
error mentioned above
Hmm.. if you can zip up ur project and DM me, that’d be the quickest. If that’s not possible, can you show me ur folder structure (ie. where is sst app, frontend, and stack definition) and how you are defining the static site?