I can't figure out why this is happening, but any ...
# help
I can't figure out why this is happening, but any
web request will throw an HTTP 500 error and nothing will get logged in cloudwatch. It started happening after upgrading from sst
. How could I further troubleshoot this, or force logging or similar?
Also, this is only when deploying i.e. to
, running locally along with
sst start
works as expected 😕
never mind.... this is an error thrown by amplify's
. But still, I can see no logs for my function.
Hey @Roberto Novelo is this an Edge function?
I think so yes, it’s an API function for the NextjsSite construct
🤦 I figured it out.... I was behind a VPN, so all the stuff was being logged in a different region than usual.... It clicked for me after Frank's question!
Ah yeah, the Edge functions logs are logged to different regions based on where the request came from.