for live lambda refresh to work, do the files have...
# help
for live lambda refresh to work, do the files have to live in the same directory as sst? I've got it a level up from there.. and it doesn't seem to be picking up changes
We generally need sst.json to be at the root of your repo
but people have gotten it working as a sibling
make sure your srcPath is set on the function to the sibling directory
ok, ill try that.. im not using srcPath, just passing in the full path in the simple config.. ill switch it
yeah srcPath is a bit confusing, that needs to be pointed to where the package.json lives for your lambdas
generally we don't recommend this structure though, it can lead to some tricky situations
yeah, im starting this inside an existing legacy monorepo... so my structure is not ideal
gotcha 👍🏽
sweet, that's working, instead of putting the full path in the routes.. i added srcPath to the defaultFunctionProps and it's picking up the changes now