Hey SST community, I’ve a random question for thos...
# help
Hey SST community, I’ve a random question for those who are really experimented into real serverless applications: do you have a way to lock your application if you ever get slammed? (by either some sort of DDOS or “bots” (apparent real-traffic that is not real but is just killing your AWS budget)? I want to sell SST as a solution in the company I work on but that is my only (and stronger) downside here b/c I’ve no way to guarantee that the billings here are going to stick to our budget as in a traditional cloud. Any input/experience you can share about that?
I just chatted with AWS about this earlier this week - they recommended AWS shield advanced, which looks pricy but makes sense for a larger provider
APIG has rate limits but I'm not familiar with how it works
Is this a question about SST specifically, or serverless tech in general?
good point… I mean I’m using SST but I guess it’s more AWS setup for SST applications
In other words, is there a question about how much it costs to develop natively in the cloud vs locally in docker?
Gotcha. The pay per use model of serverless can be a bit of a paradigm shift
Throw in cloud native development environments like the kind SST supports, and you're breaking another paradigm
Yan Cui wrote a good blog post about this topic, I think you may find it useful: https://theburningmonk.com/2019/01/you-are-thinking-about-serverless-costs-all-wrong/
got it, ty I am going to take a break to read it now 👍
The attack vector of spamming an API does exist
There are lambda concurrency limits you can set in place
Probably worth mentioning the existence of Billing Alerts as well