Hey guys, think this one will be for <@U01JVDKASAC...
# help
Hey guys, think this one will be for @Frank and @thdxr, think I’m super close to getting this RDS thing licked but looks like my migrations didn’t run on deployment (I’m doing an actual deploy, not a
). Got the following error in CloudWatch:
Copy code
ERROR	[Error: EROFS: read-only file system, copyfile '/var/task/sst_rds_migration_scripts/000001_create_tables.js' -> '/var/task/sst_rds_migration_scripts/000001_create_tables.js1646905935564.js'] {
  errno: -30,
  code: 'EROFS',
  syscall: 'copyfile',
  path: '/var/task/sst_rds_migration_scripts/000001_create_tables.js',
  dest: '/var/task/sst_rds_migration_scripts/000001_create_tables.js1646905935564.js'
Currently Googling, any ideas?
Logs in the migration handler don’t look right either:
Copy code
2022-03-10T15:10:11.100Z	INFO	[provider-framework] user function response: 
    "StatusCode": 200,
    "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST",
    "Payload": "{\"error\":{\"errno\":-2,\"code\":\"ENOENT\",\"syscall\":\"stat\",\"path\":\"/var/task/sst_rds_migration_scripts/000001_create_tables.js1646925011075.js\"}}"

2022-03-10T15:10:11.100Z	INFO	[provider-framework] submit response to cloudformation 
    "Status": "SUCCESS",
    "Reason": "SUCCESS",
    "StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:REGION:ACCOUNT:stack/STACK_NAME/97c0d600-a083-11ec-8257-0a9302a2837e",
    "RequestId": "6e505524-bc7b-4867-b80a-74ef74889872",
    "PhysicalResourceId": "6e505524-bc7b-4867-b80a-74ef74889872",
    "LogicalResourceId": "databaseMigrationResourceAC7A430C"
ah looks like the cache busting work I did has an issue
I'll figure out how to fix this today
Thanks man, appreciated 🙂 Feels like I’ve made more progress on this avenue in half hour than I did with rolling the Kysely stuff myself 😂🔫
haha that's what I hope for
ok I opened a PR, waiting for tests and will merge + release
Checked out the new release, getting the same error 😞 Going to clear down the stack, clear .build and .sst folders and try it again.
@Brinsley just checking if that helped.
The fix from the newer release worked, still might be worth looking in to that error handling stuff though; when a migration fails the execution lambda will respond with non-2xx status code and associated error message but the migration handler reports a success (200) as shown in the log output above. Might well be by design, just makes it difficult to troubleshoot issues with migrations.
Oh I see. @Brinsley just to clarify, u mean when the actual migration fails, the migration handler still succeeds, and hence CloudFormation continue to deploy?
Yea. Not sure if that's by design but it suppresses the error - couldn't see any errors logged to the migration function, only in the migration handler. They might be two separate issues.
Got it. Opened an issue for this, will look into this https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack/issues/1563