Been trying to use Live Lambda for the first time ...
# help
Been trying to use Live Lambda for the first time (unit tests finally failed to replicate a problem). The documentation here shows to use
npx sst start
and then shows how to set breakpoints in various IDEs - but with the Lambdas running from the shell the IDE breakpoints don't do anything. Doesn't
need to be run from within the IDE?
Hey @Adam Fanello you mean the breakpoints are not triggerd?
Which IDE r u using?
IntelliJ. No, why would the breakpoints trigger on an application run from the terminal? There has to be a way to attach the IDE to that process.
Haven't tried yet, but I assume that would be just to define a launcher in IntelliJ to run sst as a Node.js app?
Ah yup, you’d have to create a Run Configuration. Here’s an example
Looks like that would work. The main documentation should link over to that (and I presume examples for other IDEs). It does ignore AWS credentials when running like this. I presume that works if using the default profile but I'll have to copy my temporary credential environment variables into the run configuration each day. That may be worth pointing out.
The doc is linking to the example, let me make the link more visible 👀
Can you set the profile u r using here? ie.
Yes, but I'm using temporary credentials not profiles, so would be the AWS_SESSION_TOKEN etc.
Hey @Adam Fanello, just circling back on this, did u manage to get
sst start
to fire up?
Ah, I haven't had reason to try again. I resolved the problem that led me to want to try to set a breakpoint.
Got it. Yeah feel free to DM me or @thdxr if you are blocked by this again in the future. And we can jump on a zoom call to sort it out.