I am getting the following error ```Failed to pars...
# help
I am getting the following error
Copy code
Failed to parse generated manifest.json [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\whatsapp\my-sst-app\.build\cdk.out\manifest.json'] {
  errno: -4058,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'open',
  path: 'C:\\whatsapp\\my-sst-app\\.build\\cdk.out\\manifest.json'
Hey @satish venkatakrishnan, if you try running
sst build
, do u get the same error?
If you do, can you check if the
folder exists?
I am getting the same error when do Build as well and the folder does not exist
hmm.. can u send me ur
Copy code
[2022-03-16T21:24:04.760] [DEBUG] default - SST: 0.69.0
[2022-03-16T21:24:04.763] [DEBUG] default - CDK: 2.15.0
[2022-03-16T21:24:04.767] [DEBUG] aws-auth - Determining if we're on an EC2 instance.
[2022-03-16T21:24:05.147] [DEBUG] aws-auth - Does not look like an EC2 instance.
[2022-03-16T21:24:05.220] [INFO] default - Using stage: satish860
[2022-03-16T21:24:05.223] [INFO] default - [90mPreparing your SST app[39m
[2022-03-16T21:24:05.292] [INFO] default - 
[2022-03-16T21:24:05.294] [INFO] default - =======================
[2022-03-16T21:24:05.295] [INFO] default -  Deploying debug stack
[2022-03-16T21:24:05.296] [INFO] default - =======================
[2022-03-16T21:24:05.297] [INFO] default - 
[2022-03-16T21:24:05.299] [DEBUG] core - synth {
  output: 'cdk.out',
  app: 'node bin/index.js notes satish860 us-east-1 "C:\\whatsapp\\notes" "C:\\whatsapp\\notes\\.build\\lib"',
  rollback: true,
  roleArn: undefined,
  verbose: 0,
  noColor: false
[2022-03-16T21:24:06.511] [ERROR] core - Failed to parse generated manifest.json [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\whatsapp\notes\node_modules\@serverless-stack\cli\assets\debug-stack\cdk.out\manifest.json'] {
  errno: -4058,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'open',
  path: 'C:\\whatsapp\\notes\\node_modules\\@serverless-stack\\cli\\assets\\debug-stack\\cdk.out\\manifest.json'
[2022-03-16T21:24:06.515] [INFO] default - [90mDeploying stacks[39m
[2022-03-16T21:24:06.518] [ERROR] core - Failed to parse generated manifest.json [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\whatsapp\notes\node_modules\@serverless-stack\cli\assets\debug-stack\cdk.out\manifest.json'] {
  errno: -4058,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'open',
  path: 'C:\\whatsapp\\notes\\node_modules\\@serverless-stack\\cli\\assets\\debug-stack\\cdk.out\\manifest.json'
[2022-03-16T21:24:06.520] [TRACE] core - Initial stack states: []
[2022-03-16T21:24:06.521] [TRACE] core - After update deploy statuses: []
[2022-03-16T21:24:06.522] [TRACE] core - After deploy stacks: []
[2022-03-16T21:24:06.524] [INFO] default - 
[2022-03-16T21:24:06.526] [DEBUG] default - deployRet []
[2022-03-16T21:24:06.528] [DEBUG] default - Error: Failed to deploy the debug stack
    at deployDebugStack (C:\whatsapp\notes\node_modules\@serverless-stack\cli\scripts\start.js:483:11)
    at Object.module.exports [as start] (C:\whatsapp\notes\node_modules\@serverless-stack\cli\scripts\start.js:78:29)
[2022-03-16T21:24:06.530] [ERROR] default - Failed to deploy the debug stack
@Frank attached the log file
Did you get this figured out? I'm running into the same issue
It's almost like it's not actually starting the synth. When I do
cdk synth -a ./build/run,js -o ./.build/cdk.out
manually, it's synths just fine. But the
cmd is failing almost immediately
Ok, actually. I think this may be a windows thing
Yah, switching
to use
insted of
fixes the issue as on windows you can't "execute" the raw cdk bin. Any idea why SST is doing this @Frank? Edit: It looks like this code has been like this for a while, i wonder if a more recent version of the cdk broke this.
I started a new project today and am also seeing this issue
Hey guys, just released v0.69.2 with the fix!
Yeah, CDK recently changed their bin script, and that caused some issue on Windows.
Thanks @Frank
@Richard Simpson 🎯 that was exactly the issue. Took me a couple of hours to spin up a windows machine to track this down. Should’ve come to ur rescue earlier 😅
It's all good! Glad I was able to help track it down 🙂