hey guys, just a suggestion, i tried pushing a bra...
# help
hey guys, just a suggestion, i tried pushing a branch to make a PR but i got a 403 😞 currently the
sst cdk
command does not return the status code for failures
the s3 upload lambda also does not report failures
Hey @Hans Song, yeah I opened an issue for the s3 upload lambda. Will fix. https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack/issues/1538
As for the
sst cdk
command, i didn’t quite catch the PR and 403 error part. Could u elaborate a bit on that?
ah i attempted to push a branch to open a pr and was rejected
unrelated to the
sst cdk
command problem
with that command, if the cdk command were to fail, it’s exit code would not be bubbled up the the invoker here
this means when you try to automate with a script or ci pipeline, it wont exit early (since it didn’t know it failed)
Got it. Just submitted a PR with the changes u proposed. Will merge after tests pass. https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack/pull/1547
thanks Frank 🙂
Released in v0.69.2