Hey so I created a new hostedzone on route53 to be...
# help
Hey so I created a new hostedzone on route53 to be my api base url and when I try to deploy, I get this error. Is anyone familiar with this and how to solve?
Hey @Ayo, can u try setting
as the “domainName” and
as the “path”.
Thanks @Frank that did the trick
But I have another question where o created two separate GitHub repos but I want both repos to point to the same customdomain. Right now if I deploy on one repo and try to deploy on another, i get an error saying Ayo.getswype.io already exists on a stack
Is there a way to go around this?
in the other SST app, u can import the existing domain, and use a different
. Here’s an exmample https://docs.serverless-stack.com/constructs/Api#importing-an-existing-api-gateway-custom-domain