Any suggestions on how to retrieve multiple secret...
# help
Any suggestions on how to retrieve multiple secrets from secrets manager within the API stack? Seems that singular secret retrieval is the only possible option ( I definitely think I'm missing something )
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Error: There is already a Construct with name 'SecretFromCompleteArn' in ApiStack
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private getSecrets(ssmString: string): string {
    const secretsManagerArn = StringParameter.valueForStringParameter(this, ssmString);

    const { secretValue } = Secret.fromSecretCompleteArn(

    return secretValue.toString();
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const api = new sst.ApiGatewayV1Api(this, "api", {
      defaultFunctionProps: {
        environment: {
          CREDENTIALS_ONE: this.getSecrets(ssmString1),
          CREDENTIALS_TWO: this.getSecrets(ssmString2),
          NODE_ENV: stage,
It's because you use a static name:
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Make that value dynamic based on the function param and you should be good.
The reason this happens is because you're creating a new resource every time you call that function but they all use that same id; resources need to have unique ids in the stack.
this is one of the reasons I use SSM instead of secrets manager, it has both batch get + prefix scanning
also are you looking to pass the ssm arn in the env var? or the actual value
Makes sense @Brinsley, was an easy fix. @thdxr In this case, since we're storing API credentials, secrets manager made greater sense especially if we're going for PCI compliance
SSM provides SecureString which is encrypted in a similiar way to SecretsManager (I've passed PCI compliance before with everything stored in there)
just want to verify you're not passing the secrets value through in the environment though
eg if you go to aws console, go to the lambda, go to the environment variables section, can you see the secret value in plaintext?
Looking at that second code block the secret value is being passed to the env.
It'll be safer to instead offload the SecretsManager call in to the lambdas themselves, setting the env. vars to be the values you're reading from SSM. I imagine that's what @thdxr was going to say, but with a lot more confidence and all-round knowledge.
Ah I see the flaw! Thanks for pointing this out 🙏
@thdxr , curious how did you manage to pass PCI compliance with SSM? My understanding is that there's a necessity to rotate the encryption keys every 90 days and Secrets Manager does this automatically
I believe both ssm and secrets manager use KMS for encryption keys
Ah KMS only supports yearly rotation. I'm not sure how we got away with that then