Hey all, current SAM user here. Ran across SST rec...
# help
Hey all, current SAM user here. Ran across SST recently and it sounds great. However I use a custom lambda runtime and I'm wondering how well / if SST works with those. Didn't see anything in the docs / FAQ, so hoping someone knows the answer here. Thanks!
we currently do have a framework for adding custom runtimes but at the moment it's internal only
what runtime are you using?
babashka (clojure thing)
with a lambda runtime wrapper I wrote myself (so really putting the "custom" in "custom runtime") 🙂
gotcha - we definitely want to expose our internal framework externally (our local server follows the same framework as AWS_RUNTIME_SERVER so your custom runtime should just work) but currently focused on a 1.0 release for the remainder of this month
@thdxr cool. I'd be happy to try it once you're ready for external testers. thanks!