Hello, I have created a queue and attached to lam...
# help
Hello, I have created a queue and attached to lambda function but somehow the consumer lambda is invoking twice though I was manually deleting the message after processing. Could any one help me with this?
Hey @Uday Bhaskar Gajavalli is it happening on
sst start
or after
sst deploy
it's in sst start
We have multiple queues and their respective consumer functions. Still facing the same issue
If you look in ur terminal, u see the consumer invoked twice?
Do both invocations have the same or different request id?
It has different request ids
I see. How long is it between the two requests?
Less than a second or 2 seconds
could it be that the same message was sent twice to the queue?
Queue is only getting 1 message but somehow the consumer is invoking twice and also I have written logic for deleting message from queue after processing in the consumer functions
though the the consumer is invoking second time
hmm u shouldn’t have to delete manually, that’s done automatically
Can i see how u r creating the queue?
Copy code
const clickQueue = new sst.Queue(this, "clickQueue", {
      consumer: {
        timeout: 10,
      sqsQueue: {
        visibilityTimeout: Duration.seconds(30),
that looks right to me..
one thing I’d check is if u look at the xray trace for one of the consumer invocation, can you share what u see there?
Let me check there too
Yeah, I wonder if the request has failed and Lambda is doing a retry
import { SQSEvent } from _"aws-lambda"_;
export async function clickQueueConsumer(
_event_: SQSEvent) {
const failedMessageIds = []; for (const record of event.Records) { try { console.log(
_"clickQueueConsumer: "_, record.body);
} catch (e) { failedMessageIds.push(record.messageId); } } return { batchItemFailures: failedMessageIds.map((
_id_) => {
return { itemIdentifier: id, }; }), }; }
Can you try commenting out everything, just an empty function, see if it gets call twice.
Copy code
export async function clickQueueConsumer() {
Yeah it's getting called twice
hmm.. that’s really weird
Yeah if u can look up xray, that should tell us if SQS is calling the consumer twice or if it’s a Lambda retry
Unfortunately, I don't have access to view X-Ray
I found this from the Log groups of the clickQueueConsumer function receiveMessage() - stop keep alive timer Timeout { _idleTimeout: 540000, _idlePrev: [TimersList], _idleNext: [TimersList], _idleStart: 494, _onTimeout: [Function (anonymous)], _timerArgs: undefined, _repeat: null, _destroyed: false, [Symbol(refed)]: true, [Symbol(kHasPrimitive)]: false, [Symbol(asyncId)]: 19, [Symbol(triggerId)]: 5 }
Can u share the entire log of a request?
START RequestId: fcc73f27-8219-5ad9-ac7c-65e815b62d58 Version: $LATEST 2022-04-12T150640.065Z fcc73f27-8219-5ad9-ac7c-65e815b62d58 INFO connectAndSendMessage() 2022-04-12T150640.142Z fcc73f27-8219-5ad9-ac7c-65e815b62d58 INFO ws.onopen 2022-04-12T150640.142Z fcc73f27-8219-5ad9-ac7c-65e815b62d58 INFO sendMessage() - send request 2022-04-12T150640.144Z fcc73f27-8219-5ad9-ac7c-65e815b62d58 INFO sendMessage() - sending request via WebSocket 2022-04-12T150640.145Z fcc73f27-8219-5ad9-ac7c-65e815b62d58 INFO sendMessage() - start keep alive timer 2022-04-12T150645.371Z fcc73f27-8219-5ad9-ac7c-65e815b62d58 INFO ws.onmessage { "action": "client.lambdaResponse", "debugRequestId": "fcc73f27-8219-5ad9-ac7c-65e815b62d58-1649776000065", "stubConnectionId": "QeRMDfhtoAMCLww=", "payload": "H4sIAAAAAAAACqtWKkotLsjPK051SSxJVLLKK83JqQUACtSALhUAAAA=" } 2022-04-12T150645.371Z fcc73f27-8219-5ad9-ac7c-65e815b62d58 INFO receiveMessage() 2022-04-12T150645.371Z fcc73f27-8219-5ad9-ac7c-65e815b62d58 INFO receiveMessage() - received payload 2022-04-12T150645.374Z fcc73f27-8219-5ad9-ac7c-65e815b62d58 INFO receiveMessage() - stop keep alive timer Timeout { _idleTimeout: 540000, _idlePrev: [TimersList], _idleNext: [TimersList], _idleStart: 494, _onTimeout: [Function (anonymous)], _timerArgs: undefined, _repeat: null, _destroyed: false, [Symbol(refed)]: true, [Symbol(kHasPrimitive)]: false, [Symbol(asyncId)]: 19, [Symbol(triggerId)]: 5 } END RequestId: fcc73f27-8219-5ad9-ac7c-65e815b62d58 REPORT RequestId: fcc73f27-8219-5ad9-ac7c-65e815b62d58 Duration: 5312.22 ms Billed Duration: 5313 ms Memory Size: 1024 MB Max Memory Used: 81 MB Init Duration: 472.61 ms XRAY TraceId: 1-6255957f-612a77240c203fd10acb1f44 SegmentId: 61e68ede2e99e67d Sampled: true
it looks fine
And there’s another request right after this with the same
Is it normal?
in consumerfunction log
Yeah the same event but with different requestId
yeah, it’s a stub Lambda, and it’s sending a websocket message to ur local with the request info.
Ohh Okay.
Does this happen to all queues in ur app?
Yes. for every queue
hmm.. a couple of things I’d try: • set Lambda retry to 0 (disable retry) => this tells us if the 2nd request is a retry • removing the Lambda consumer, and after u call sendMessage, go to AWS SQS console and inspect the queue => this tells us if the same message is sent twice • create a new SST app with just a queue and see if the same issue can be reproduced. You can use this sample repo.
Can we set the lambda retry to 0 from SST or should I do it from AWS Console?
I have removed the consumer and somehow same message is sent twice into the queue
Are you still having this issue @Uday Bhaskar Gajavalli?