Hi, whats the sst equivalent to "serverless info" ...
# help
Hi, whats the sst equivalent to "serverless info" from the serverless framework? Maybe I overlooked it, but I'd like to list the app endpoints deployed. Thx!
we have this
concept which will print out when you do
and show in the stacks section of the console
Ah, so to print out the outputs I'd run sst:start - got it .. thx!
they also show up in the aws console as well
npx sst start .. fires up the local mode, plus does a deploy (if required). I was kind of looking for just a "list" of output without deploying or starting anything - just a list of deployed resources.
I guess I'm just used to the serverless framework - though I'm all in migrating to sst now.
yeah I see how this can be useful we should add it, btw you can run
sst start/deploy
with an
which will save that file so you can reference it later
otherwise viewing the stack in the sst console or the aws console is probably the lowest effort way to get it
Got it - gracias!
Just to chime in guys, it’s been requested, bumped up the priority on this https://github.com/serverless-stack/serverless-stack/issues/847