I'm having some trouble with referencing a Table i...
# help
I'm having some trouble with referencing a Table in a different stack than it was created in. The problem appears when I call
npx sst build
- I get the following error (followed by a stacktrace I can post if helpful)
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Error: Resolution error: Resolution error: Resolution error: Trying to resolve() a Construct at /Resources/${Token[ps-dev-sketching-stack-websocket.websocket-api..connect.Resource.LogicalID.352]}/Properties/environment/variables/table_games_live/node.
If I stop referencing the table across stacks, everything builds just fine - though I can't access the table then. It seems like this should work, according to docs here: https://docs.serverless-stack.com/advanced/cross-stack-references I'll post code snippets in the thread.
Somewhat simplified:
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function main(app) 
  let stack_games = new Stack_Games(app, "stack-games", {});
  let stack_ws = new Stack_Websocket(app, "stack-websocket", { table: stack_games.table_games_live });
Somewhat simplified:
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export class 
Stack_Websocket extends sst.Stack 
  constructor(scope, id, props) 
    super(scope, id, props);
    let ws = new sst.WebSocketApi(this, "websocket-api", {
      defaultFunctionProps: { 
        environment: { table: props.table },
      routes: { /* ...omitted for brevity, they work if I omit the environment above */ },
    ws.attachPermissions([ props.table ]);
    this.addOutput({ ApiEndpoint: ws.url });
Hey we're in the middle of transitioning some docs so if you don't mind a bit of reworking this is our new method: https://docs.serverless-stack.com/constructs/v1/Stack#sharing-resources-between-stacks
This uses our new functional stack concept
Can you share stack games stack code as well
Thanks! I don't mind reworking at all, but I'm not well versed in typescript - how would I use the
in a javascript codebase?
Yep - I'm omitting the other things the stack does which are: creating another table (creation looks very similar to table_games_live) and adding lambdas to an api passed in via props.
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export class 
Games_Stack extends sst.Stack 
  constructor(scope, id, props)
    super(scope, id, props);
    this.table_games_live = new sst.Table(this, "games-live", {
      fields: { 
        systemId: sst.TableFieldType.STRING, 
        gameId:   sst.TableFieldType.STRING,
        // more fields all declared this way
      primaryIndex: {
        partitionKey: "systemId",
        sortKey: "gameId"
You can actually just ignore the StackContext part
Everything else should work
yea I misread the docs, I thought you were specifying the function type somehow, not the argument to it
I think your issue might be you're passing the table construct as an environment variable when maybe you want to pass table name?
Oh. yep!
Yea, just got the whole thing up and running with
npx sst start
and it seems to be working - Thank you for helping!