Is it possible to use .NET 6 runtime with SST? I k...
# help
Is it possible to use .NET 6 runtime with SST? I know it is supported by Lambda now, and I see it is supported by the CDK itself, but I haven’t been able to get it working with an SST project. Let me know if someone can clarify this isn’t supported or if I’m just doing something wrong? The same project setup works with a .NET 3.1 project
Hey @Austin yeah
.NET 6
is not yet supported.
I just bumped up the priority on the iss.e
What’s ur timeline on this?
We can move forward without it, but it would be awesome to have in the near future. For context we’ve been a heavy .NET shop and deploying in containers but my specific team is really trying to get the overall team more exposed to serverless. Using C# functions is a good way for us to bridge the gap in the short term to help devs use something familiar where we can, and most of our new stuff is being built with .NET 6 as it is the next LTS version of the framework and .NET 3.1 will be end of support later this year I believe. Hope that helps!
Yeah, .NET 3.1 EOL is Dec 3, 2022 So at the very least, before then would be awesome
Got it! Just curious, are you using Live Lambda Dev (ie.
sst start
) with the .NET functions currently?
We’re actively experimenting with that currently. We don’t have any production projects using SST and C# lambdas yet. We’re prototyping a project with 3.1 lambdas right now, and we have successfully used Live Lambda Dev to build/invoke the .NET function. I think maybe there is a limitation on debugging though, is that correct?
limitation on debugging
Could u expand on that a bit more?
Like attaching IDE debugger / doing breakpoint debugging of C# functions with Live Lambda Dev. Haven’t tried that yet but wasn’t sure if it supported
Ah, gotcha. I was recently talking to @Kevin Baker about getting breakpoint debugging to work with Python.
So as of now, we’ve only tested and have docs for JS/TS.
If the IDE ie. VS Code supports breakpoint debugging for C#, there should be a way to set it up with SST.
Theoretically, when
sst start
receives a request, it starts up a dotnet process. We just need to have VS Code attach the debugger to the process.
If you figure out a way to do it, definitely let me know. 😁
I’ll definitely try and let you know. One other question, do you know if I can overwrite the dotnet executable SST uses? I have a weird scenario because I’m on an M1 Macbook Pro and .NET 3.1 is not officially supported on M1 Macs, so it has to be installed in a non-standard way with a different path to the dotnet sdk / executable. I can’t get SST to build it because it isn’t using the correct dotnet executable.
Would it be just using whatever “dotnet” command is found in the PATH first?
Yes, Although I’m more focused on getting breakpoints working for Golang than Python. Let me know if you make any progress, I’m guessing the patterns would be similar.
@Frank does SST use
dotnet watch
under the hood for .NET Live Lambda reloading? I’ve got a project working with .NET 6 (which is awesome) and Live Lambda Dev is working fine. I see it is rebuilding the assembly when files are modified. I’m looking into trying to get VS Code debugging working with it. The challenge might be that the
process isn’t actually started until the Lambda is invoked, so there isn’t a way to attach to it that I have found. But if
dotnet watch
is being used, it might be possible.
super keen to learn about debugging support for C# also.
After using SST with C# a bit more and looking at how SST bootstraps C# functions, i think it will not really be possible without doing the bootstrapping differently. Because the dotnet process is not actually running until the Lambda function is invoked, and it shuts down after each invocation. This makes it really hard to manually attach a debugger to if there is no persistent dotnet process. Each individual function invocation is a different dotnet process. This definitely works like the real Lambda runtime, so that is good, but it isn’t the greatest for debugging.
I think if somehow SST started a single “parent” dotnet process when running
sst start
that all dotnet Lambda invocations were spawned from, it might be possible to attach the debugger permanently to the parent process and then automatically debug any invocations because they are derived from that process. But I realize this also deviates away from emulating Lambda dotnet runtime behavior, so maybe there are risks/tradeoffs to doing that.